Climate and Clothing

Munich has four seasons, each is quite different from the others. Winter in Munich starts in the beginning of December where it is also likely to have the first snow. By the end of January it gets very cold, the temperature can fall down to -15 °C. Half of the winter you have snow, the other half is just cold or if the temperatuer is above 0°C it is cold and wet. Most of the days the sky is grey, though there are always a couple of days where you have sunshine and blue sky.
Spring starts by end of March and has all types of weather. You can have snow in late April and you can have 25°C on the 1st of May. The temperature can change quickly from cold to warm and vice versa. Most plants start to grow at this time, so if you have nice weather it is a really enjoyable scenery. Summer starts somewhere in June and lasts till August. Munich can be hot, the thermometers can show up to 35°C in July. As many buildings don't have AC's it can be quite unconvenient at that time. Nevertheless you still have rainy days during summer, so you never have the guarantee to have several days of sunshione in a row.
Autumn starts in September, mostly has its best days during the Oktoberfest(last week of Sep. - first week of Oct.) and is getting grey and wet towards November. The leaves are falling and you get a colourful surface on the sidewalks.


As you can see from the climate description, there is no time where you can be sure that it is not too cold or too hot if you bring only one type of clothes. You need something warm even for the summer, because nights can be around 15°C. You need properly insulated boots for the winter, with normal shoes you get wet feet very easily. A good rain protection(umbrella or a rain coat e.g.) is recommended, you can never be sure that you don't need it.

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